How can we help?

Or choose from the age ranges below for information and guidance suited to you.

Start Well

Discover local opportunities for children, young people, young adults and families.

Live Well

Find out about services and opportunities for young adults and adults.

Age Well

Learn how to age well and to live well, for longer.

5 Areas of Health


The environment is the place around us where we live, work and play.

Mental Wellbeing

Find out what it means, and what you can do to have a good mental wellbeing

Physical Health

Are you moving enough to keep your body healthy?


Find out how lifestyle choices can impact your health and wellbeing

Online Resources

Local courses and events that will help you to achieve a better health and wellbeing

The Health & Wellbeing Team

The Health & Wellbeing Team

The Healthy Harborough partnership is a collection of partners who deliver health related services across the district. Healthy Harborough aims to tackle health inequalities, identify trends and provide access to local health and wellbeing opportunities to residents, throughout all stages of their life.

The concept of Start Well, Live Well and Age Well is to emphasise the importance of looking after your health and wellbeing at every life stage.