Social Prescribing
Contact details
Address Kibworth Medical Centre, Smeeton Road, Kibworth, LE8 0LG
Many things affect your health and wellbeing. GP's report that a lot of people visit them feeling isolated, lonely, or stressed out by work, money and housing problems. Sometimes it's the stress of managing different long-term conditions. That is where social prescribing comes in.
A social prescription offers the kind of help that doesn't come in a tube or bottle. It could help you improve your health and wellbeing to make positive life changes. Some examples of help include:
- Advice for carers
- Housing, benefits and financial advice
- Employment, training and volunteering
- Healthy lifestyle and physical activity
- Local activity and interest groups
- Befriending, counselling and support groups
Referral: You can self refer into the health and wellbeing team for this service by filling in this form if you are registered at one of the following practices:
- South Leicestershire Medical Group
- Billesdon Surgery
- Croft Medical Centre
If you are registered at a different practice please contact them directly to see if they offer this service.
Referral Process:
- Self Referral